Draw a line by clicking this icon and then single left-clicking on the plan to give the start point of the line, move the mouse and click again to give the next point of the line. Right-click or hit the Esc key to stop drawing lines.
Holding down the Shift key will lock the line tool so you can only draw lines at 45 degree intervals.
The lines are all drawn as separate entities.
The Polyline tool works in a very similar manner to the line tool. One difference is you can press the C key on your keyboard to close the line, this will join the last point clicked with the first point clicked. You can see in the animation below that the final line is drawn by pressing the C key.
The polyline is made up of all the lines drawn and is one entity. A closed polyline can be hatched using the hatch tools.
A curved polyline can be drawn by clicking the small drop-down arrow on the polyline button and then clicking on Curve Fit Polyline.
After drawing a curved polyline you can adjust it by first single left-clicking on the line to select it and then move the points of the line (small blue squares) around by clicking them to pick them up, move them and click again to place them back down.
The first click after clicking the Arc button sets the centre point for the arc, move the mouse and click again to give the start of the arc. Finally move the mouse counter clockwise and click again to give the end point of the arc.
Draw an ellipse by clicking to give the centre point and then moving the mouse and clicking again to give the major axis point. Move the mouse and click once more to give the minor axis point giving the final size and shape of the ellipse.

John Rees