All reports in EstimatorXpress can be edited by dragging and dropping columns into and out of the report.

Starting at the main menu click on My Settings and then My Reports.

You will then see a list of all the reports already included in EstimatorXpress. The chart type reports at the top cannot be copied; all the other reports can be copied and modified.

For this example, we are going to scroll to the bottom of the list and select Priced Customer Quote (single click on the report).

Next we need to click on Copy Report.

We will then be prompted to enter a name for our new Report. For this example, we have entered ‘My Priced Customer Quote’ into the Name box. After entering the name click OK.

EstimatorXpress will then open the new report. At this point, the report is an exact copy of the original, however, any changes we make will be saved when we close the report.

It is as this point we can make changes to the new report. This is done by dragging and dropping extra column titles into the report from the top left of the sheet. If you want to remove column headings you can drag and drop them from the report back to the list at the top (apart from the Data column). You can also drag columns left and right within the report to change the order of the report.

Once you have finished adding, removing and reordering the columns in the report, all you need to do to save the report is click Close Report. You should then be able to use this custom report in all your future estimates.

John Rees