The PlansXpress Urinal Cistern and Pipework Estimating Calculator is designed for use with PlansXpress. This Estimating Calculator estimates the materials and labour required to install pipework for individual urinals. The urinal bowls and dividers are estimated separately in the PlansXpress Urinal Cistern and Pipework Estimating Calculator.

If you wish to estimate Individual Urinals completely within EstimatorXpress (i.e. not using PlansXpress), use the Individual Urinals Estimating Calculator.

The PlansXpress Urinal Cistern and Pipework Estimating Calculator calculates the following items:

  • Cisterns
  • Sealant to cistern
  • Water feed pipework
  • Waste pipework
  • Plus all labour associated with the above.

The PlansXpress Urinal Cistern and Pipework Estimating Calculator is NOT linked to the Specification.