The PlansXpress Flat Roof Estimating Calculator is designed for use with PlansXpress. The PlansXpress Flat Roof Estimating Calculator should not be used for estimating independently within EstimatorXpress because it is specifically designed to estimate using data imported from PlansXpress and therefore requires the entering of information which isn’t readily available without doing complex calculations. Instead, use the Flat Roof Estimating Calculator.

If you have created your Estimate based on a PlansXpress Job, the flat roof data from your PlansXpress drawing is imported into two separate EstimatorXpress Estimating Calculators:the PlansXpress Flat Roof Estimating Calculator estimates the items which are based on the flat roofs you set out in PlansXpress;the PlansXpress Flat Roof Accessories Estimating Calculator estimates the items which are drawn separately from the roofs, but relate to the roofs, in PlansXpress.

The PlansXpress Flat Roof Estimating Calculator calculates the following items:

  • Roof joists and wall plates
  • Fascias and guttering
  • Roof waterproofing and perimeter flashings and drips
  • Guttering and down pipes
  • Plastering and insulation
  • Internal and external decorating
  • Plus all labour associated with the above

The PlansXpress Flat Roof Estimating Calculator is linked to the Specification. Therefore, all of the flat roof items are specified by the Specification.


  • Flat roofs can be constructed in several different ways with insulation positioned at various levels and utilising a wide variety of insulation and water proofing systems. It is therefore essential that each of these items are carefully examined within the Specification and/or the Resources Output section of the Worksheet and adjusted to accommodate the methods you are using.