The Oriel Bay Window Estimating Calculators should be used to estimate the Materials, Labour and Plant required to fit oriel bay windows.

To estimate Oriel Bay Windows, select the Estimating Calculator containing the desired style and size of window. You will see that there are Estimating Calculators set up to estimate Standard, Horizontal Bar, Georgian Bar, Sash, Dummy Sash and Bar Dummy Sash Softwood Oriel Bay Windows together with Standard Hardwood Oriel Bay Windows and Standard PVCu Oriel Bay Windows.

Once you've selected a window template, enter the number of windows of the same size and specification. The combination of resources taken from the specification and the dimensional information will then calculate the following items automatically:

  • Bay & Window fixings
  • Combination Lintel
  • Plastering
  • Window boards
  • Decorating
  • Removal of spoil (if required)

These Estimating Calculators are linked to the Specification.


  • Before accepting the output, you should check all the pre-specified items, and in particular any items that are highlighted in red to show that they are “critical items” which are listed in the Resources Output screen.
  • If the size of the opening is changed you must check the suitability of the selected window, frame and lintel etc.
  • In addition to the pre-specified items you must also carefully scrutinise the bottom section of the Resources Output screen. This section covers the more freeform aspects of the bay window such as the window types and the labour for fixing the various windows, which are not necessarily directly linked to the dimensions you have entered.
  • If you require a walk-in bay window please refer to the walk-in bay window estimating calculators.