This Estimating Calculator uses Plumbfix, Screwfix & Trade Point product ranges and is only available if you hold a current subscription to one of those merchants' price downloads.

The Bathroom Taps Swirl Contract Acrylic Estimating Calculator calculates the Labour and Material required to fit and connect bath and basin taps in the stated range.

Enter the number of taps required alongside the appropriate Worksheet to estimate the following items:

  • Taps
  • Ball valves
  • Pipes connecting taps to flow
  • Plus all labour associated with the above

This Estimating Calculator is not linked to the Specifications.


  • With the exception of Worksheets for taps with popup wastes, the Bathroom Tap Estimating Calculators do not include waste traps.  Waste traps are allowed for in the various Bath and Sanitaryware Estimating Calculators.